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American Academy of Thermology

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Thermographie & Regulationsmedizin

European Association of Thermology

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Thermology international

Subscription necessary!Volume 21, 2011, Number 4


Publication Organ of the
European Association of Thermology (EAT)
American Academy of Thermology (AAT)
Brazilian Society of Thermology
Polish Association of Thermology
Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Thermologie
UK Thermography Association (Thermology Group)

Editor in Chief: Kurt Ammer, Vienna, Austria
Section Editor [Technical/Industrial Thermography]: Rod Thomas, Swansea, Wales, UK

Editorial Board
I. Benkö, Budapest M. Brioschi, Sao Paolo Thibault de Boesinghe, Gent A. DiCarlo, Rom
T.D.Conwell, Denver J.Gabrhel, Trencin J.Giordano, Arlington K.J.Howell, London
A.Jung, Warsaw K.Mabuchi, Tokyo J.B.Mercer, Tromsш E.F.J.Ring, Pontypridd
H.Mayr, Wien H. Usuki, Miki R.Vardasca, Porto B. Wiecek, Lodz



Instructions for authors

  Thermology international Vol 23 (2013), No. 1: 4
Short papers From the 2nd  ICGMT Meeting in Iguazu, Brazil
  E. Francis J. Ring
  The Development of Quantitative Medical Thermography From Analogue to Digital

Thermology international Vol 21 (2011), No. 4: 113-114

  abstract Subscription necessary!PDF
  Aldo Di Carlo
  Telethermography assisted by “Thermal stimulation”. An innovative method to improve the accuracy of the technique
  Thermology international Vol 21 (2011), No. 4: 114-115
  abstract Subscription necessary!PDF

B.Kalicki, A. Jung, F.J. Ring, M.Saracyn, S.Niemczy


Monitoring Renal Dialysis Patients By Hand Thermography

  Thermology international Vol 21 (2011), No. 4: 116-117
  abstract Subscription necessary!PDF

E. Francis J. Ring, G Machin, A Jung


New Standards For Infrared Thermal Imaging And Applications For Fever Detection


Thermology international Vol 21 (201), No. 4: 118-119

  abstract Subscription necessary!PDF
  24th Thermological Symposium of the Austrian Society of Thermology
  Programme and Abstracts
  Thermology international Vol 21 (2011), No. 4: 120-126
  Subscription necessary!PDF

2nd International Consensus and Guidelines on Medical Thermography 2011 (ICGMT 2011)
2nd International Work Group for Medical Thermography Meeting (IWGMT 2011)

  Programme and Abstracts
  Thermology international Vol 21 (2011), No. 4: 127-149
News in Thermology  
  Fenton Medal for Prof.Francis Ring
  Call for Papers: Clinical Temperature Measurement
  Change of the National Office of the AAT
  German Society of Thermography & Regulation Medicine left the EAT
  Thermology international Vol 21 (2011), No. 4: 150-151


  Meeting Calendar

Thermology international Vol 22 (2012), No. 4: 163