American Academy of Thermology
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Thermographie & Regulationsmedizin
European Association of Thermology
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Thermology international
Volume 22, 2012, Number 3
Publication Organ of the |
European Association of Thermology (EAT) |
American Academy of Thermology (AAT) |
Brazilian Society of Thermology |
Polish Association of Thermology |
Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Thermologie |
UK Thermography Association (Thermology Group) |
Editor in Chief: Kurt Ammer, Vienna, Austria
Section Editor [Technical/Industrial Thermography]: Rod Thomas, Swansea, Wales, UK
Editorial Board |
I. Benkö, Budapest |
M. Brioschi, Sao Paolo | Thibault de Boesinghe, Gent |
A. DiCarlo, Rom |
T.D.Conwell, Denver |
J.Gabrhel, Trencin |
J.Giordano, Arlington |
K.J.Howell, London |
A.Jung, Warsaw
| K.Mabuchi, Tokyo |
J.B.Mercer, Tromsш |
E.F.J.Ring, Pontypridd |
H.Mayr, Wien
| H. Usuki, Miki |
R.Vardasca, Porto |
B. Wiecek, Lodz |
Instructions for authors |
Thermology international Vol 23 (2013), No. 1: 4
Editorial |
K. Ammer |
12th European Congress of Thermology: Refereed Abstracts |
Thermology international Vol 22 (2012), No. 3: 85 |
Abstracts |
12th European Congress of Thermology |
Keynote lectures |
Thermology international Vol 22 (2012), No. 3: 86-90 |
Oral Presentations |
Thermology international Vol 22 (2012), No. 3: 90-117 |
Posters |
Thermology international Vol 22 (2012), No. 3: 118-125 |
News in Thermology |
AAT Newsletter re-established |
Thermology international Vol 22 (2012), No. 3: 126-127 |
General Assembly of the EAT in Porto |
Thermology international Vol 22 (2012), No. 3: 127 |
Meeting Calendar |
Thermology international Vol 22 (2012), No. 3: 128-132 |